Giant Sock Monkey

If Big Foot wore brown socks and had a crafty mom, he might’ve wound up with a Giant Sock Monkey like this one.

Instead, we humans are the ones who’ve come up with sock monkeys and have since super-sized them. We love how huggable they are with their long, floppy arms and legs, and we love their ready-to-kiss red lips. Sock monkeys were originally made out of red-heeled work socks, which explains why the sock monkey’s mouth looks the way it does and has become its trademark, just like Mick Jagger’s.

Giant Sock Monkey

  • Jumbo sock monkey plush animal
  • Matches a sock monkey themed room
  • Measurements are 3 feet, 9 inches

Towering at almost four-feet-tall, this sock monkey will be the first stuffy kids gravitate towards. It will be a wonderful source of comfort in a child’s bedroom or playroom, and will sit pretty propped up on a bed. Not to mention, it would double as a cozy nap time pillow.

The Giant Sock Monkey is just under $100 at and Hammacher Schlemmer.

To shelter yourself from rainy fall days, you can carry the Sock Monkey Umbrella.

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