Giant Jelly Belly Christmas Ornament

‘Tis the season to be jolly–and gorge on jelly beans with the Giant Jelly Belly Bauble. Christmas is all about the season for giving and for sharing, and with this humongous and festive looking treat, there’s more than enough for everyone.

The Giant Jelly Belly Bauble doubles as a decoration for the tree (make sure you hang it up sturdily) aside from being a container for a huge mix of Jelly Belly jelly beans. For more snack-sized treats (or a solo serving, perhaps?), try the Jelly Belly Baubles, which are a whole lot tinier but can still provide the recipient (or owner) with enough joy and sweet treats to last the entire evening.

Giant Jelly Belly Bauble

The Jelly Belly Giant Bauble is a festive decoration and wonderfully tasty treat combined. Hang this monster bauble anywhere around the house for a splash of vibrant color. It looks great dangling from the ceiling or strung up in your window. And when Christmas is over and done with you can take it down and munch on the multicolored lovelies inside.

The Giant Bauble contains a random assortment of beans from Jelly Belly’s 50 classic flavors, so there’ll be something for even the most discerning palette. The Jelly Belly Giant Bauble is presented in a clear plastic box and wrapped with a nifty branded ribbon, making it a great pre-Christmas gift or stocking filler.

The Giant Jelly Belly Bauble is available for pre-order from Firebox for £14.99 ($24.)

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