Fully Functional RC Snowplow

While it wouldn’t be effective to clear the snow off your driveway, this Fully Functional RC Snowplow would be great fun for playing in the snow. It looks like a detailed replica of the high end snow groomers ski resorts use to maintain the slopes, rather than the snow plows used by cities to clear the streets. It has rubber treaded tracks to power itself over icy snow and has a removable front shovel that can be moved up and down. The rear crane rotates 360 degrees. With a range of 65 feet, the remote control can direct the plow to move forward, backward, right, or left.

Available only from Hammacher Schlemmer, this is the child’s fully functional remote-controlled snowplow. The 1:18 scale vehicle traverses over pavement and icy pathways at 1 mph via its treaded rubber tracks. Operating like a standard snowplow, its removable front shovel moves up and down for powdery snow removal and its rear crane rotates 360° for rescuing mini-coupes. The 2.4 GHz radio-frequency remote moves the plow forward, backward, left, and right, enabling it to “clear” a shoveled driveway or plow a patio tundra for seasonal foot traffic. With a 65′ range and working top light.

Buy this RC Snowplow for $119.95 at Hammacher Schlemmer. Other cool remote control toys we’ve covered on GeekAlerts include the RC Flying Tardis, RC Flying Messenger, RC Millennium Falcon, RC Snake, RC Tarantula, and RC Water Gun Car.

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