Fruit Ninja Plush

Angry Birds was one of the biggest games of 2011. But if you ask me, Fruit Ninja was a close second or third. The mechanics of both games are entirely different and serve different purposes. For example, I find myself getting really angry in real life while I’m shooting the angry birds over the field in Angry Birds, while I grow more and more relaxed and calm while slicing up the fruit like mad in Fruit Ninja.

And to celebrate all the zen that Fruit Ninja has brought me (and possibly, you) there is the Fruit Ninja Plush. Aren’t they just the cutest? Choose from various fruits available, like the Apple, Pineapple, or Strawberry. But if you prefer something more explosive, then go for the Bomb.

Fruit Ninja Plush

After all, Fruit Ninja for iPhone iOS and Android phones is one of the most downloaded games of all time.
But do you have what it takes to be an actual Fruit Ninja? Well now you can take your chop-socky skills to the next level with Fruit Ninja Plush. One step further than the smartphone game but a few steps away from going full Tarantino in the greengrocers, these adorable characters can be hugged, squeezed, cuddled and occasionally lobbed into the air and tonked with a stick.

The Fruit Ninja Plush is available for pre-order from Firebox for £8.99 ($14.)

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