Flowers In a Can

The simple gift of flowers to loved ones can get you out of a lot of problems and you never know when you’re going to need them. With Flowers in a Can you never have to worry about closed flower shops again. If your girlfriend finds out that you were out partying late without her, just head to your closet and pull out a can of flowers.

Sure they take time to grow, but isn’t that what relationships are all about…time and growing together? Stock up and be prepared for any emergency situation that requires flowers. All you need to do is pop the top, add some water and place the can in sunlight…Now if only relationships were that easy 🙂

Pop the top, add a bit of sunshine and some water and in a short while you’ll have grown yourself a pretty bouquet of flowers in a can! Makes a great gift. Dahlias, geraniums, impatiens, pansies, sunflowers, petunias, marigolds & more. Try all eight! Item approximately 3.5”

Flowers in a Can make for a unique gift idea and can be purchased at Fred Flare for $15.

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