Firefly Big Damn Heroes T-Shirt

Do you know what you are? Well, chances are you do, but does everyone else know? The Firefly Big Damn Heroes T-Shirt will insure that every single person who encounters you knows exactly what you think of yourself. Make sure you show up at the last possible minute (AKA the nick of time) to emphasize the fact.

Captain Mal, Jayne, and Zoe know the secret of looking good to others. Just show up in the nick of time and you’re suddenly a big damn hero. How much easier could it be? NOTE: Showing up in the nick of time is not enough by itself. You must also save the day.

Firefly Big Damn Heroes T-Shirt will be available May 2014 but it can be pre-ordered now for $19.99 – $24.99 at Entertainment Earth.

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