Fidget Widget Pen

Fidget spinners reached their peak a couple of years ago, and now you might be embarrassed to still play with one. If you just can’t sit still, you need this Fidget Widget Pen that features 6 unique widgets to fidget with.

All the variety will help keep your hands busy as you click, switch, toggle, turn, rotate, and slide to your heart’s content. Rather than being a distraction, it can help keep you focused and relieve stress.

Ever feel fidgety? We’ve got the pen for you! Presenting some serious stress reduction, this fidget widget pen is perfect for those who love to fidget. There are 6 unique fidgets: click, toggle, switch, turn, slide and rotate.

This Fidget Widget Pen is available at Hot Topic for $12.90 $10.32. (Price at time of publication and subject to change.)

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