Executive Desk Gong

Sometimes a stern look or sharp tone just doesn’t do the trick. Let everyone know you mean business with the Executive Desk Gong.

Know what makes judges seem so powerful? The gavel. That little wooden hammer smacks down on the desk, and you know the man (or woman) means business. You can add that same authoritative flair to your own workday, and you get to add an Eastern twist, showing that not only are you in charge, but you’re also well-traveled. The opposite sex will be throwing themselves at your feet.

This essential business kit includes a portable gong, a stand, and a mallet, along with a 32-page book that gives a summary detailing the history of the gong and tips on how to use the gong in your own life… because banging a gong is serious business. You don’t want to do it wrong.

Say goodbye to those days of not being paid attention to because everyone will be looking your way when you have the Executive Desk Gong. Get it at Amazon.com from under $1. Bang it loud. Bang it proud.

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