Elite Elite Cybermen T-Shirt

The Cybermen of Doctor Who have always been interested in assimilating people with brains but what if they took an interest in people with class? The Elite Elite Cybermen T-Shirt elevates the tin soldiers with funny headphones into the scourge of the upper crust, where the prime directive is to become elite, rather than delete.

And what better way to get their cold, emotionless hands on society’s rich than with an operation that outwardly appears to be a finishing school?

This American Apparel t-shirt features a refined Cyberman, complete with top hat, monocle, and a nice cup of tea. The metal man is even following the Doctor’s fashion sense by wearing a bow tie to be cool.

The shirt is available in a wide assortment of colors and the image can be printed either on the front or back.

You can get the Elite Elite Cybermen T-Shirt for $25 at RedBubble.com.

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