Egg Cuber Egg Press

If only Humpty Dumpty would’ve chosen to sit on an Egg Pillow and not a brick wall, he might’ve lived long enough to cheat death by having some preventative maintenance done in Beverly Hills. That’s where reconstructive surgeons use the Egg Cuber Egg Press to shape eggy weggs into stable, glamorous cubes.

Egg Cuber Egg Press

  • Crushes hot hard-boiled eggs into cube shapes
  • Acrylic construction comes apart for easy cleanup
  • Dishwasher safe
  • Makes cool stratafied hors-d’oeuvres and sushi, too!

Big fans of hard-boiled eggs will love the new look of their favorite treat. When eggs are molded into cubes, they can be cut more easily, stacked, fit into containers, and used for impressive food presentation. I can see square eggs being a huge hit with picky-eater kids, too. The Egg Cuber allows eggs to bear close resemblance to marshmallows.

Kids will like getting a chance to make cubed eggs, since the press is relatively easy to use. Basically just drop in a peeled egg, place the square-shaped press on top, screw on the lid which will then compress the egg. Finally, stick the whole contraption in ice cold water for several minutes and send your egg out by pushing up from the bottom. Since the plastic is clear, it’s easy to be astounded as you watch each egg undergo its drastic transformation.

This gadget has been around for decades and has been given ‘thumbs way up’ from the Easter Bunny. I guess he doesn’t have thumbs. Anyway, as with all classic things, they never get old.

The Egg Cuber Egg Press can be found at for $6.30 and at ThinkGeek when they restock for $5.99.

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