EC Comics GhouLunatics The Old Witch Statue

Grab your blankie and turn on all the lights because it’s time for a little vintage horror with the EC Comics GhouLunatics The Old Witch Statue.

Long before Elvira brought her ‘talents’ to the TV screen, horror hosts were doing their thing in the pages of comic books, with some of the most notable ones being the Crypt-Keeper from Tales from the Crypt, the Vault-Keeper from The Vault of Horror, and the Old Witch from The Haunt of Fear. Together, these three GhouLunatics would escort eager readers through pages and pages of horror.

Now the Old Witch is ready to come home with you as a highly-detailed statue that measures 13-inches tall x 7-inches wide x 7-inches long. With her storybook open, she’s ready to tell you a tale as she sits on the headstone of William Gaines, the co-editor of EC Comics.

The Witch is the first in a four-part collection so we’ll hopefully see the Crypt-Keeper and the Vault-Keeper some time in the near future.

The EC Comics GhouLunatics The Old Witch Statue will be available February 2017 but it can be pre-ordered now for $223.99 at Entertainment Earth.

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