EARonic iPhone 4 Case

I enjoyed playing around with my Etch-a-Sketch ever since I was a kid, which is why I’m such a huge fan of the iPhone Etch-a-Sketch Case. Another kooky one is the Literary Art iPhone Cases that feature art from classic literature, so you’d definitely want one if you’re a bookworm. And if for some reason, you’re not satisfied with the ear that you were born with, then you can reinvent at least one of them with the EARonic iPhone 4 Case.
Each of the EARonic iPhone 4 Cases features a human ear: a plain one, one with a lot of earrings, another one with a lot of studs and sideburns, one with a Bluetooth headset, and another plain one. When you’re taking or making a call, it gives the illusion that you, well, aren’t, because it covers your ear with another one. Go figure.

EARonic iPhone 4 Case

Look EARefutably awesome with the Finley iPhone 4 case, EAResistibly hip with the Dylan iPhone 4 case, EARily cool with the Luna iPhone 4 case, EAReverently trendy with the Razor iPhone 4 case, and EARitably fabulous with the Nick iPhone 4 case.

The EARonic iPhone 4 Case is available from CollabCubed for $20 each.

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