Doctor Who Space Poetry T-Shirt

If you’re a poet and you know it, you might be interested in merging poetry with a certain madman in a box on the Doctor Who Space Poetry T-Shirt. Everyone knows the old rhyme about keeping the doctor away by eating apples, and I’m sure apple-growers all over the world appreciate the person that came up with that little ditty… but what if you don’t want to keep the doctor away?

Of course, I’m not talking about just any doctor that wants to give you medicine or jab you with sharp needles. I’m talking about THE Doctor; the guy that will make you face countless moments of near death while traveling through time and space.

This American Apparel t-shirt features the TARDIS in triplicate, along with the words, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away, So throw the apple astray so the doctor can stay!” It’s a perfect plan to keep your life filled with Time Lords.

The Doctor Who Space Poetry T-Shirt is available for $32.99 at Skreened.

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