Doctor Who Silent Open Mouth With Lightning

If you want to recreate some of the latest adventures of Doctor Who then you’ll need the Doctor Who Silent Open Mouth With Lightning because these “Men in Black” wannabes bring a whole new level to bad.

The Silence might not seem too dangerous at first glance, but that’s exactly what makes them so lethal. You’ll look at them and feel the fear that you rightfully should, but you forget all about them as soon as you look away. As if that wasn’t bad enough, they can also deliver subliminal messages that you remember even after you forget about them.

Fortunately, the action figure doesn’t have any of those abilities. Could you imagine forgetting about a toy as soon as you stop looking at it? Of course, on the other hand, it might be for the best because every day could be like Christmas when you discover the 5-inch action figure all over again.

You can let the Silence fall with the Doctor Who Silent Open Mouth with Lightning for £8.99 / $14.30 from

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