Doctor Who Regenerated Rockwell T-Shirt

When the Doctor isn’t fighting Daleks or Cybermen, he likes to make an old-fashioned selfie, and the Doctor Who Regenerated Rockwell T-Shirt shows how he does it by remembering a few of the faces he’s worn in the past.

The artist known as Creative Outpouring originally brought us the Doctor Who Rockwell T-Shirt, and now he’s created an updated version featuring Peter Capaldi’s Twelfth Doctor wielding the paintbrush.

In addition to the newest regeneration of the popular Time Lord, the shirt also features a few other differences. Along with all the Doctors being updated, other subtle changes include a Cyberman head beside his foot instead of a Dalek and the coat hanging from the mirror now resembles the leather jacket worn by the Ninth Doctor.

The Doctor Who Regenerated Rockwell T-Shirt is available for $19.95 at NeatoShop.

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