Doctor Who Companions T-Shirt

You know the Doctor but do you know all his Companions? The Doctor Who Companions T-Shirt will lead you through time and space to show you the people who took a chance at adventure with the mad man in the box.

Sadly, this TARDIS won’t really let you travel through time but the names within the design will give you a great peek at the past. You probably know a few of the names, like River Song, Amy Pond, and Clara Oswald, but do you know about Kamelion, the android used by the Master who slipped free of his control to travel with the Fifth Doctor, or Victoria Waterfield, the woman from 1866 who traveled with the Second Doctor? How about Leela, the cavewoman from the future who traveled with the Fourth Doctor.

They’re all here, with some names being repeated so that the TARDIS design could be completed.

The Doctor Who Companions T-Shirt is available for $28.99 at Skreened.

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