Doctor Who Baywheux Tapestry

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Follow the adventures of the Doctor with the Doctor Who Baywheux Tapestry, which depicts the last 50 years of the Time Lord’s adventures. That’s 50 years by our TV-watching perspective. The Doctor has actually been getting into and out of trouble for quite a few centuries.

The Baywheux Tapestry offers a Whovian twist to the Bayeux Tapestry, a 230-foot-long piece of embroidered cloth that depicts the events leading up to the Norman conquest of England and the Battle of Hastings.

While this ‘tapestry’ isn’t nearly as long as that one, it still provides an in-depth look at the Doctor, taking us from the point in time when the Time Lord stole the TARDIS (or did she steal him) all the way to the Day of the Doctor, where the Tenth and Eleventh incarnations of the Doctor team up with the mysterious War Doctor.

Doctor Who Baywheux Tapestry

  • 24 X 36-inch (6 square feet) print on 100lbs premium matte stock.
  • Shipped rolled in a reinforced tube.

The Doctor Who Baywheux Tapestry is available for $40 at Big Cartel.

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