DIY Blood Typing Test Kit

Most of us already know what our blood types are, but wouldn’t it be fun to just figure it out by testing a sample of your blood yourself? I think the DIY Blood Typing Test Kit is something that you can use to just verify your blood type, because while it really does work, it’s still better to get your blood tested at the hospital (in case you still don’t know what your type is.)

The DIY Blood Typing Test Kit comes with everything you need to determine your blood type: the special typing card, a pipette, an automatic lancet, one swab, one cotton ball, and an instruction sheet to guide you through the whole thing.

DIY Blood Typing Test Kit

Just a little prick (no jokes, please), a few drops of blood, a little water, and the special card are all you need to find out what blood type you are. In just a few minutes, you’ll have a card which will show you which antigens you have in your blood (which you can compare to a chart in the instructions to determine your blood type). And even better, this kit comes with a laminating sheet so you can carry the card in with you once it dries. Then, you will never not know what blood type you are, and you won’t have to worry about your blood exploding.

The DIY Blood Typing Test Kit is available from ThinkGeek for $8.99.

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