Desktop Dogs

You might not have any room at home or time for a dog, but that doesn’t mean you can’t own any pets; just not any live ones. These Desktop Dogs can’t bark and you won’t need to take them out for regular walks, but what they can help keep your stuff more orderly.

Tuck in your memo pads into the mouth of one of the Desktop Dogs. Stick your paperclips and other loose, metal stuff onto the mouth of the other. These dogs are desk tidies that will keep your desk looking neat and tidy, with enough slots and compartments to hold all of your stuff into place.

Desktop Dogs

There will be no more chasing your tail as you hunt for supplies on your desk. Instead, these helpful hounds will faithfully catch all your desktop necessities while adding some fetching appeal to your workspace. Their geometric design is more than just stylish.

The black dog holds onto a pad of sticky notes (included) in its mouth and stores pens and pencils in its ears, while his red buddy hides a magnet in its mouth that grabs onto paperclips (included), and has a storage nook in its back for pushpins. Both are weighted for extra stability and have a rubbery, non-slip finish.

The Desktop Dogs are available from Uncommon Goods for $20.

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