Daddle: The Dad Saddle

Most dads are more than happy to give their kids piggyback rides. When their own flesh and blood looks up at you with those wide, innocent, and pleading eyes, who could say no? Now here’s something that could make the ride more satisfying and comfortable for your little tots–the Daddle: The Dad Saddle.

It’s exactly what its name suggests: the Daddle is a saddle meant to be strapped onto the back of the person giving the piggyback ride. In this case, the dad.

Think of the Daddle as a sort-of investment. Whenever your kid asks to ride that mechanical horse outside the grocery store or by the arcade, you could always say that there’s a saddle at home, just waiting to be ridden on…

The Daddle: The Dad Saddle is available from Amazon for $29.99.

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