Cuisinart CPM-950 EasyPop Plus Flavored Popcorn Maker

If popcorn downright rocks your world, then the Cuisinart CPM-950 EasyPop Plus Flavored Popcorn Maker could easily become one of your most cherished kitchen appliances.

This machine lets you have a little mad scientist fun experimenting with your favorite flavors. Just a flip of the switch and your little, insignificant kernels will transform into crunchy, fluffy superstars of swagga.

Popcorn is a cheap, blank canvas taste-wise, so there are really no rules or limits to what can be done to it. Whether you’re jonesing for something salty, sour, sweet, or all of the above, you can tweak the popcorn to satisfy your cravings. And don’t hold back on the gooey stuff, because all the parts are dishwasher-safe.

Gourmet popcorn lovers are in for a treat! This is the popcorn maker that automatically coats popcorn with liquid or dry seasoning. A chute in the lid allows you to add flavorings like hot sauce, caramel, powdered cinnamon, or grated cheese and the integrated paddle automatically mixes and evenly coats the popcorn. The unit makes up to 10 cups of popcorn in five minutes and after the kernels are popped, the cooking chamber removes and converts into a serving bowl.

Did you know that popcorn is just corn kernels that have 13-15% moisture inside them? The steam escapes when heated causing the kernel to explode. I learned that from a local farmer who sells microwaveable popcorn on the cob. All my life I had it wrong. I’d always assumed that corn kernels were chemically tampered with to create popcorn. I mean, everything else is, but popcorn is as natural as Unicorn Meat. (kidding!)

Back to the machine. I think the key to making specialty popcorn is ensuring that all ingredients are evenly distributed. That way you’re not left with of those flavor bombs that you sometimes get when eating that leftover popcorn stuck on the bag, or that popcorn that’s drenched in butter from the concession stand pump. The stir paddle in the EasyPop takes care of that, not neglecting any lone popcorn.

The Cuisinart EasyPop can make up to 10 cups of popcorn in 5 minutes, and then it’s completely up to you to decide how long the popcorn needs to mix. Kids will love watching the popping/mixing action through the see-through lid, which also doubles as a handy bowl.

The CPM-950 EasyPop Plus Flavored Popcorn Maker is available for $79.95 at It is available for the same price at and (which also has free shipping.) Order it in red, white, or black. The red one is a knock-out.

GeekAlerts has shown you some other fun popcorn makers before, including the Just Pop It Hot Air Popcorn Popper Basketball, the Beautiful Retro Popcorn Maker, and the Catamount Microwave Popcorn Popper.

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