Conan Board Game

By Crom! What is the best in life? Crushing your enemies, seeing them driven before you, hearing the lamentations of their women, and playing the Conan Board Game.

Want a little Cimmerian steel added to your role-playing adventures? You’re not the only one because this sweet Kickstarter project still has a few days left in its campaign but it’s already earned $917,603… which blows the doors off the original $80,000 goal.

Pick up your shield character sheet and arm yourself with your sword dice and enter the ancient and violent world created by Robert E. Howard. You won’t go alone because up to five people can play… although one will be the overlord, whose sole purpose in life is to make things difficult for you.

Conan is a miniature-based board game that pits one player, the overlord, who controls hordes of savage tribesmen, no-good lowlifes and undead minions against 1 to 4 players who incarnate the legendary Conan and his fellow adventurers. The gameplay is asymetric, as the overlord possesses a large selection of models and objectives which are his own, whereas the brave heroes are played from a first person perspective, much like in a role playing game. An adventure can be played out in 1 hour on one of the beautiful game boards (depicting iconic locations of Howard’s immersive Hyborian world) as you pit your wits, daring and tactical acumen against your opponent

The Conan Board Game is expected to ship October 2015 but you can reserve yours now by making a pledge of at least $90 at Kickstarter.

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