Cocorico Cardboard Cooker

My sister’s daughter loves playing dress-up and pretending that she’s the mother of her own household. We’re not fans of plastic cookery or kitchen toys at all, ever since one certain member of the family tried to swallow a chicken leg made of plastic from such so-called toys. So for reluctant parents, there’s always the Cocorico Cardboard Cooker to turn to.

The Cocorico Cardboard Cooker is an alternative to the usual kitchen oven toys that you always see in stores. You still have to set up the oven from a flat piece of cardboard and assemble it to form the oven. But after that, it’s smooth-sailing role-playing fun all the way for your kids.

Cocorico Cardboard Cooker

This little cardboard cooker comes packed flat in a rectangular box. You’ll have to put it together before you can start to play with it. Assembly is incredibly easy. Even a child can do it.

The cooker is small (22 x 34 x 45 cm / about 9 x 13 x 18 inches), light (1.5 kg / 3.3 lbs) and made out of recycled cardboard with a detailed design. It has a little oven door that opens and closes so you can put your cakes and pastries in and pretend to bake them.

The cooker has a fishbowl with a fish in it, a plant and a clock drawn on the front on the stovetop. And there’s a red and grey rooster on the back.

The Cocorico Cardboard Cooker is available from Curiosite for $28.39.

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