Classic Storefront Champion Ride

What a difference a few decades make.  Today we have 3D televisions, cutting edge video gaming systems and think nothing of spending $60 for that new video game.  In the 50’s, you probably had a small black and white tube TV and you would treat your kids to a ride on Champion for some fun.  One nickel and a minute later, your kids had the same smile on their face that it costs hundreds to do today.

Well, get ready to relive the glorious 50’s with this Classic Storefront Champion Ride.  You’re kids and you will love the endless rides on this authentic and refurbished unit.  It has a real leather saddle and an audio system plays an excerpt from The William Tell Overture as your ride away.  Sadly, it will cost you quite a few nickels to get this baby for your home.

Classic Storefront Champion Ride

This is the classic 1950s kiddie ride that transports young cowpokes on an imaginary horseback journey to the Old West. Commonly encountered in front of grocery stores, the original ride was created by the Bally Manufacturing Corporation and named after the favorite horse of popular television cowboy Gene Autry. An authentic unit meticulously refurbished to its original state, including Champion’s leg markings and his wide-eyed, open-mouthed expression that implies excited urgency, it uses a 110-volt electric motor to replicate the same one-minute “riding” motion it provided more than a half a century ago, while an audio system plays an excerpt from The William Tell Overture. Champion comes fully tacked with a genuine leather saddle, box-type stirrups, and reins to hasten him on to the next adventure. Made of fiberglass, Champion rests on a steel base emblazoned with “Ride The Champion.” A free-play button replaces the original coin slot. Plugs into AC. 48″ H x 30″ W x 60″ L. (400 lbs.)

You can purchase the Classic Storefront Champion ride from Hammacher Schlemmer for $6,500 with a  lifetime warranty.

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