
When people name a certain item or product, they often take into consideration what the thing is or what it’s for. Take the Chuckimal, for example. It’s a strange name to call a plush toy, but I reckon it got its name from the fact that it’s an animal plush toy that’s meant to be chucked. The fun thing is, it’s more than just some animal plush to chuck.

The Chuckimal can also be the bearer of good news or bad news, depending on what you have. Just record a message (but make sure to keep it short and sweet because you can only record for up to 30 seconds), chuck the toy at your recipient, and run.

If you want a different kind of animal plush, such as a freaky-looking one, then check out the Monty Python Killer Rabbit with Big Pointy Teeth Plush Toy instead.


  • Record your message and throw it!
  • Hilarious plush toy
  • Speak for up to 30 seconds
  • High-quality plush

Why not leave the Chuckimal on your colleagues desk or at home in the kitchen? He’ll be happy to pass on any messages you might want to leave. Much more exciting than a written post-it note, and much cuter! Perfect when you need to ask someone to take the dog for a walk in the rain, do the dishes, empty the bins or any other task you just don’t want to ask face to face!

The Chuckimal is available online from Red5 for £11.95 ($20.)

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