
Android USB Robot microSDHC Card Reader

I'm sure that you Android fans already have your Android Squishables Plush Toys by now, so it's time to add…

Spy Bolt Covert Secret Container

Got some prized jewels to stash covertly when you're traveling? If you're a bit paranoid when it comes to carrying…

Flexible Blue LED Strip

The possibilities are endless; parties, balconies, computer room, office, bedroom, you name it.  Light them all up!  Think of all…

Handy Cans Can Holder

We all know how the story goes. You're having a get-together and you are getting thirsty, but no one wants…

Cute Robot Shaped Cool Mini Desktop Fan

Like any of us need to find an excuse to put one more thing on our desk! If you do,…

Scruble Cube is a Rubik’s Cube with Scrabble

Last week we covered some Rubik's Cube Coasters for the home. What do you get when you combine Scrabble with…

DryShot Fire Extinguishing Gun

In case of a fire, head on over to the nearest fire extinguisher, and PASS. Pull on the pin, aim…

Dry-All Cellular Phone Emergency Kit

It happens more often than you think. Just as you're bending over to pick something up or reaching across the…

Star Wars Lightsaber Bottle Opener

Star Wars and a cold beer. They may be the two best things ever. If I could open a cold…

Vertical Vinyl Record Player

There are just some moments when the iPod or Zune doesn't cut it. I've still got some vinyl records that…