
Darkfin Gloves

Imagine swimming laps and leaving Michael Phelps in your wake! While that might be somewhat of an exaggeration, these Darkfin…

World’s Largest Ice Cream Scooper

You must totally be the world's coolest parent if you're thinking about getting your kids the World's Largest Ice Cream…

Star Wars Lamp with Alarm Clock

Sometimes we need a little extra light; so why not let Darth Vader be the source. This Star Wars Darth…

Fly Your Own RC Superhero

It would be cool if we could all fly like the Superheros in the Comic Books, but we can't, so…

Xploderz XBlaster 200

Water guns are fun to play with in the summertime, allowing you to cool down and shoot some friends at…

USB Whack It Game

In the mood to whack some moles but can't find the time to drop by your arcade? No worries if…

Week in Geek #22, 2011

In this Week in Geek #22, 2011 on GeekAlerts, there were many highlights. The Star Wars Sith and Jedi Bathrobes…

2,000 Facebook Followers

A couple months ago we reported when we hit 1,000 Facebook Fans. Now we have passed 2,000! Why are we…

MIMOBOT Designer Batman USB Flash Drives

A little while back we showed you the Vintage Mimobot Batman USB Flash Drive; well he's back, this time wearing…

Splitterbot Headphone Splitter

Do you ever have days when you feel like poking your eyes out? Splitterbot always has those kinds of days. Splitterbot's black…