Block Notes – Tetris Shaped Sticky Notes

I don’t use many sticky notes aka Post-It notes, but if I did I would use these Block Notes. They are Post-It notes shaped like Tetris pieces. I’m not positive, but I think they may even match the colors of the game pieces.

Imagine creating several To-Do lists with these. Stick them on your wall and then start completing your tasks and as you complete each one, drop it to the bottom row, completing that row. That would be a fun way to do your chores. Might even be a good way for wives to trick us into completing various jobs around the house.

Reminders can be boring, that’s more or less a fact – and video games can be entertaining. All that needs to be done is to combine the two into an interactive memory pad that fuses a way to take notes and memos, with the thrills and spills of Tomb Raider 3. OR (and more easily manufactured) produce a sticky note pad that can be arranged and added to until you’ve built up a kind of block shaped wall of colour – if only there were a game with that objective. Of course there is, and since it’s over ten years old it can be legitimately classed as ‘retro’, which means it can automatically be classed as cool, which means we can feel justified in producing these cool, retro, block sticky notes.

They come 8 x 100 sheets per pad and the pads are 5″ x 4″ for just $9.95 from Amazon.

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