Ben Solo and Little Rey Art Print

The Light tries to reach a heart shrouded in the Dark Side on the Ben Solo and Little Rey Art Print.

Do we know for sure that Rey was at Luke’s Jedi Academy before it was destroyed by the Knights of Ren? No, we don’t, but it seems like a safe bet to make. Artist Jenny Dolfen has created a scene that may or may not have happened before The Force Awakens, a scene that shows Ben Solo as the Dark Side slowly consumes him. The only person willing to try to reach the Light inside is a little girl named Rey. Is it wrong that I want this to be canon?

Available as either a 13″ x 19″ print (with bonus drawing) or a 8.3″ x 11.7″ print, the image is printed on Watercolour inkjet paper (Epson Aquarelle or Hahnemühle Torchon/Albrecht Dürer), making it light-fast and water-resistant. It comes without the watermark.

Samples of the bonus drawing can be seen in the image below.

The Ben Solo and Little Rey Art Print is available starting from $21.89 at JennyDolfenArt’s Etsy store.

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