Batman Blazer

Let your geek flag fly – but in a stealthy way – with the Batman Blazer.

You love Batman, and that’s perfectly understandable. After all, we’re talking about a guy without super powers who can go toe to toe with the Man of Steel. But maybe you need to tone down that Bat love every now and then. This black tech polyester/rayon blazer will let you keep your love for the Dark Knight as low-key as Batman lurking in the shadows while waiting to punch a bad guy.

At first glance, it seems like an ordinary blazer, right? But look at the back. BAM! There it is. The iconic Batman logo stretching from shoulder to shoulder. How’s that for a sneak attack?

The Batman Blazer will be available December 2016 but it can be pre-ordered until July 31 for $199 at Hero Within.

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