Baseball Stitches Cufflinks

So you can’t exactly be at the World Series right now, throwing back $9 beers with other lucky die-hard fans cheering on the Cards or the Rangers. But wearing Baseball Stitches Cufflinks made from baseballs used in your home team’s actual games is an easy, subtle way to express team spirit.

Baseball Stitches Cufflinks

Salute his passion for baseball with cuff links handmade from the same baseballs the pros have used. Created from authentic game used Major League Baseballs, the baseball cufflinks feature iconic red stitches and unique scuffs and scratches earned in the journey from hand to bat to glove. He can even look up what game the ball was played in using the authentication number on the back of each cuff link.

  • you may select a team specific baseball:  Cubs, Cardinals, Dodgers and non-team specific.
  • hologram sticker on the back of each cuff link comes with authentication number to look up in the MLB database teams that played together in that game
  • made from a baseball played in a Major League Baseball game (may show some dirt)
  • set in sterling silver bezels with swivel backs
  • measures 7/8” diam.
  • instructions for obtaining game detail using your authentication number: Go to and input the code that appears on your cuff links. A pop-up will appear with the teams that used the ball along with another authentication code. Second, input this second authentication code and more game information will display, including the date of play.
  • Much like the Stadium Seat Cufflinks we showcased recently, these baseball cufflinks are like owning a historical artifact. Some even have dirt on them.

When you’re forced to wear your suit and dress shirt, wearing these cufflinks is a way of saying, “Hey, I’ll play the man’s game but I still love my team.” Never mind your dream of being on the jumbo tron screen sporting your signed jersey, face paint, and clown wig, lip-synching ‘Take Me Out to the Ballgame’ to the blaring organ music.

Red Envelope only has the Cardinals, Cubs, Dodgers, and non-specific team Baseball Stitches Cufflinks in stock from $119.99 up to $169.95 each pair. However, has the baseball cufflinks of all major league teams (except the Phillies at the current time) for $170 per pair.

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