Banana Slug Sucker

If you’re intrigued by extreme cuisine but get a funny feeling in your stomach at the thought of actually eating something that crawls on the ground, the Banana Slug Sucker should sweeten the idea for you.

Make sure you have plenty of time for sucking because this little guy is 4 3/4-inches long so this could take a while. Fortunately, it tastes like banana instead of something slimy and gross so it should be time well spent, especially if you like banana. If that’s not your fruit of choice, well… you might prefer to suck on the real thing because you’re either a banana person or not. There’s no middle ground. Of course, you could also try the Fish Head Sucker or Steak Sucker, too.

Leave the real critters for the people that live off the land and get the Banana Slug Sucker for $3.50 from

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