AquaClimb Sport Poolside Climbing Wall

If you’re an adrenaline junkie, you might find that you gravitate towards all kinds of extreme, vertical sports. Luckily, the market is beginning to significantly widen and cater to your crazy needs. You know, we’re always seeing bungee jumps, zip lines, parachuting, X-Games, rock climbing, and what about that fantastic show “Wipeout?” Now the AquaClimb Sport Poolside Climbing Wall exists to entertain climbers and spectators, while letting you check one more action item off your big bucket list.

Notice the people scaling the wall? They’re not wearing helmets or any equipment. These are good incentives for having the wall installed in your community pool or sports club, i.e. less loose stuff to worry about. However, the lifeguard may be a bit irked when he/she realizes that the job description didn’t hint to babysitting of a bunch of Super Dave Osbornes.

The wall could be used as a great tool to help acrophobics overcome their fear, granted they’re not also hydrophobic. And for those who’ve always wanted to try rock climbing but have backed out for one reason or another, the risk seems less dramatic when there’s water to catch your fall. Just don’t belly flop.

Taking the sport of aqua climbing to a whole new level, the award-winning industrial designer Mr. Christofer Born from Germany has created a structural work of art and a sports feature that will enhance any Aquatic facility. Designed initially for diving wells and more extreme challenges, this product line can now cater pool depths of 7 feet and deeper.

  • Stainless steel frame with options to powder coat the structure in a variety of color options;
  • Transparent climbing surface comes in two finishes;
  • Can be positioned indoors in front of windows with minimal loss of day lighting;
  • Equipped with four color-coded climbing routes of varying degrees of difficulty;
  • Can be mounted to the pool wall or deck of indoor and outdoor swimming and diving pools;
  • Retrofitting is possible for all existing pools, (concrete, tiled concrete, stainless steel, foil, etc).

While there are no restrictions on who can enjoy our Sport model, many are purchased with the goal of entertaining teenagers to adults.

Get more information or request a quote on the AquaClimb Sport at Since they don’t list a price and this product appears to be aimed at aquatic centers rather than home swimming pools, my guess is that if you have to ask the price you can’t afford it.

By the way, the JetLev Flyer Water Jet Pack is another extreme water toy that’s sure to turn heads (and is proof that jet packs are indeed a reality.)

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