Analog Dial Flip Clock

I’m all about weird clocks that look different and the Analog Dial Flip Clock is a great twist on the familiar flip-clock because it shows the hands of a clock instead of numbers. Because it would take a whole lot of flipping to display the passing of every minute, the clock keeps track of time in 15-minute intervals.

This might be a handicap for those people that need precision but I’m personally quite happy with a rough estimate… especially when all eyes turn to the clock while waiting for quitting time to roll around. Instead of watching the slow crawl of the minute hand, you can just start preparing yourself when the clock reads 4:45 and then celebrate the momentous arrival of 5:00 by knocking over all your co-workers in a mad dash to be first to the parking lot.

The clock comes in always-stylish black so it goes with any decor, and it can either be placed on a small table or hung on a wall.

Analog Dial Flip Clock

  • Requires two C batteries
  • 8 1/4″ W x 9″ H x 4 1/4″ D. (2 1/4 lbs.)

You can start living your life in 15-minute intervals with the Analog Dial Flip Clock for $129.95 at Hammacher Schlemmer.

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