AlcoSense Elite Breathalyzer

Study hard, work hard, and party harder. If that’s your mantra, then it might be a good idea to get one of these AlcoSense Elite Breathalyzers. These portable and handy devices can tell just from your breath if you’re fit or unfit to drive. You might feel okay but it’s a different story when you’re on the road and driving–for your life and for the lives of all the other people in the cars around you.

So party safe by driving safe and let the AlcoSense Elite Breathalyzer help you out; even on the morning after.

AlcoSense Elite Breathalyser

However, we do understand that it’s easy to overdo it and forget you’re driving the next morning. Which is where well-meaning people can come unstuck – even the next morning you could still be over the legal driving limit! So make sure you’re covered before you leave the house and give a toot on the AlcoSense Elite Breathalyzer. No bigger than a mobile phone, this multi award winning breathalyzer will tell you for sure if you’re really safe to drive. Just slide it open to switch on, blow into the tube and get your result in seconds. The built-in airflow sensor means you can’t accidentally blow too softly or too hard.

The AlcoSense Elite Breathalyser is available from Firebox for £59.99 and at for £54.

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