About GeekAlerts

Started in 2007, GeekAlerts is a news site that has published more than 20,000 articles about movies, video games, gadgets, gizmos, design, geek style, computers, and consumer electronics. We provide a daily dose of the latest movie and video game trailers, gadget news, cool stuff, reviews, and entertaining products you might not find elsewhere. We have a team of writers with a very rich and diverse background, including extensive technological education and wide ranging life experiences, who are skilled at finding the most innovative new products and clearly explaining complicated technology.

There are many sources for movie and game news, but GeekAlerts coverage is unique, providing the practical information you want, without the extra fluff. While we have covered gadgets and other geek products since the beginning, reporting on movie and game trailers and news is our latest addition to the site. It may be a crowded field, but our particular pragmatic information sets us apart from the rest.

Our movie coverage includes announcements of the latest movie trailers, so you can be one of the first to preview upcoming films. We always provide the video direct from the movie studio, so you enjoy the best quality and avoid the many trailer copies that add time wasting lead-ins and annoying watermarks. Another advantage is that we extensively research the films to include details on the directors, producers, and cast in our reporting, as well as other interesting facts and pertinent information.

When it comes to new releases of TV and movies to 4K, Blu-ray, and DVD our coverage is so much more extensive than just letting you know what is about to hit the store shelves. We research 4K released to share how it was remastered, so you don’t waste your money on a 1080p upsample, and whether it has important features like HDR and Dolby Atmos sound. We also research all the buying options, giving you a rundown of all the versions including exclusive collectible editions that may only be available at one store.

Likewise, we give you a heads-up on the best upcoming games with our video game trailers and always provide the original high-quality video direct from the publisher. Major game releases these days can have many different editions, and we break down the information and give you all the buying options, including alerting you to exclusive offers, so you can make an informed buying decision.

If you have a tip, comments, or other feedback, please use the GeekAlerts Contact Form to email us.

Our Team

James Kelly – Executive Editor

Reporting from San Diego, California.

James Kelly grew up on the East Coast and moved to Southern California in 2001 to explore other options and see what California had to offer. Needless to say, ten years later he’s still here and loving it. Prior to joining the team at GeekAlerts, he worked as a financial manager for a high-end estate planning firm with Forbes 400 clients; while also working independently as a financial consultant and personal trainer. As time went on, James realized he needed to do something else with his life and that takes us to the here and now. Besides work, James enjoys the beach, running, mountain biking and almost any outdoor activity that Southern California provides. James has a Bachelor of Science Degree and a MBA with specialization in Financial Management.

Email: james {at} geekalerts {dot} com

Ryan Cooper – Editor

Reporting from San Diego, California.

Originally from Chicago, Ryan currently lives in San Diego, California with his wife and two children. He received a B.S. dregree in Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he graduated summa cum laude. He’s worked at a range of high-tech companies from research powerhouse Bell Laboratories to leading semiconductor companies and Silicon Valley startups. When he’s not working or playing with his kids, he enjoys auto racing, surfing, traveling, and video games.

Email: ryan {at} geekalerts {dot} com

Patra Beaulieu – Contributing Writer

Reporting from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Patra Beaulieu hails from Southern Illinois and now resides in Canada’s capital city of Ottawa, Ontario. Though she has a molecular biology background, she has found inspiration in writing about pop culture and current events as a former writer/translator for one of Canada’s major web-based entertainment news providers. Some of her greatest accomplishments include participating in the completion of the Human Genome Project, learning French, and becoming a wife and mother. She is into alpine skiing, walking, biking, music, movies, dining, baking, traveling, Scrabble, spending time with family, friends and her mini goldendoodle.

Conner Flynn – Contributing Writer

Reporting from Hatfield, Pennsylvania.

It addition to authoring several Sci-Fi novels and short stories, Conner has been blogging for major internet publications since 2007. From his articles here on GeekAlerts.com, it is obvious that he’s a hardcore geek that loves tech toys and cool gadgets. One of his latest projects is a new geek toy store over at ecrater where he hopes to make many geeks happy and help make us older geeks feel young.

James Scott – Contributing Writer

Reporting from Chicago, Illinois.

Although he’s always been fascinated by design, architecture, and technology, James has yet to fulfill his childhood dream of owning a robot design shop. Fortunately, he’s able to play with high-tech devices beyond what he could imagine as a youngling, and his passion for computers and gadgets shines through in his reporting for Geek Alerts. When he’s not working (or pretending to be working while browsing the Internet), James enjoys playing guitar, watching movies, video games, and big city nightlife.

Marty Shaw – Contributing Writer

Reporting from Trinity, Texas.

Marty has been satisfying the cravings of his inner geek by blogging for various movie and entertainment sites since 2009, but he was unable to scratch that gadget itch until he discovered GeekAlerts.com. When he’s not drooling over the latest gadgets and Doctor Who goodies, he’s usually working on his upcoming horror short stories. He currently lives in Trinity, Texas with his wife and five cats, who secretly run the place, although they don’t let him know that.

Range – Contributing Writer

Reporting from Taiwan.

Born in Germany, lived in France and finally stayed in Quebec, Canada until 2006, Range was a financial planner and director until he left for Taiwan to teach ESL. Range is currently pursuing a graduate degree in pure mathematics, while freelancing and teaching. He writes for Apartment Therapy, Technabob and SciTechDaily. He’s got a keen interest in science and all things tech. In his spare time, he obsesses over sneakers, spends time with his dogs and pursues creative writing in fiction.

Hazel Chua – Contributing Writer

Reporting from Cebu City, Philippines.

One thing Hazel loves more than geeky stuff is writing about these cool products. She graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering but has always wanted to be a writer, ever since she was a little girl. As luck and a whole lot of work would have it, Hazel got her cake and is eating it, too: doing engineering and office work during the day, and blogging for various tech and gadgetry blogs during the night.

Jack Kieffer – Guest Writer

Reporting from Chicago, Illinois.

Jack is a gadget geek who loves writing about the latest in technology and design. He operates Cool Gizmo Toys, a site where you’ll end up laughing while finding out about new gadgets. When he’s not working on Cool Gizmo Toys or guest blogging, Jack is a full-time student, studying everything you could think of. (And some things you couldn’t.) He’s also a martial arts enthusiast, musician, and a special needs volunteer.

Lisa Monaco Gonzales – Guest Writer

Reporting from San Diego, California.

Lisa Monaco Gonzales is an author, speaker, and advocate of child safety. Her recent book, Unbreakable Spirit, is a Best Seller and she is an author of children’s books. Lisa graduated from Bryant College in Rhode Island with a BS in business. Her corporate background is in sales, marketing, and training. Born and raised in Connecticut, Lisa now resides in sunny San Diego, California, with her loving husband and two beautiful children. Connect with Lisa at LisaMonacoGonzales.com.

Robert Birming – Founder

Reporting from Stockholm, Sweden.

Along with Martin Lindkvist, Robert Birming founded GeekAlerts.com back in 2007. Although he is no longer with Geek Alerts, Robert is the author of thousands of this site’s articles, including most postings from 2007 through early 2011. His reporting demonstrates his eye for design geekiness, wacky gadgets, and inventive ideas. Besides for being a respected blogger, Robert is also a successful musician. He is currently a web entrepreneur based in Stockholm, Sweden where he runs Pusha and is developing other projects.

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