75% off ThinkGeek Winter Clearance Sale

Think Geek is one of our favorite merchants, and now is the time to shop there for deals as you can save up to 75% off in the ThinkGeek Winter Clearance Sale. Many items we’ve posted about before are on sale, so if you’ve ever skipped something because of the price, check out the sale and see if they have it for cheap.

Shop the ThinkGeek Winter Clearance Sale for instant savings of up to 75% on over 450 items.

One really great deal is the Inflatable Minigun Arm pictured above. It is on sale for just $4.99, which is 83% off the list price of $29.99.

Another hot deal is the iNox Stainless Steel iPhone Case. At the sale price of $14.99, it is a savings of 75% off the original price of $59.99.

Another item to pick up during the sale is the Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction Book. It was $16.95, but during this clearance sale it is just $6.99 (discount of 59% off).

Find these and hundred of other great deals in the ThinkGeek Clearance Sale.

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