501 Things to do with a Zombie

So you’ve read the Zombie Survival Guide and So Now You’re a Zombie, and it happens to be that you are one of the lucky ones and didn’t turn into a zombie. But the question remains, what are you going to do with yourself? A post-apocalyptic world over run by zombies can get pretty lonely; you’re going to need to learn how to have some fun.

That’s when the 501 Things to do with a Zombie will be worth more to you than the hottest supercar on the market. Written by J.C. Richards and illustrated by Aaron Waite, this 223 page book is full of fun daily activities to keep your mind off of the whole “end of the world” thingy. Enjoy all those fun games from your childhood: two-up bike riding, dancing, thumb wrestling, speed walking, and one of my personal favorites, a good old fashioned staring contest.

There’s no need to stress, your new zombie friends can fill the void left from the passing of any former low IQ buddies. The 501 things to do with a Zombie is available at ThinkGeek for $8.99 and at Amazon.com from $1.48.

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