5,000 Facebook Fans for GeekAlerts.com

At GeekAlerts we like to pat our own back. It feels good, and for us it’s considered exercise. Heck, we’d toot our own horn…if we could reach. So naturally we want to celebrate when we hit a milestone like 5,000 Facebook fans less than a year after putting up our Facebook Page.

It’s taken a lot of hard work, as we’ve written more than 5000 posts and spent a great deal marketing our site. Yet we have so much further to go. Carrot Top has over 10,000 Facebook fans, and we can’t be the only ones to think the only thing funny about this “comedian” is the irony of a roided out freak like him actually having fans. OK…maybe trying to spark up a GeekAlerts vs. Carrot Top feud isn’t a practical way to garner free publicity and build a following.

Even if Carrot Top has twice as many fans as us, he is still small potatoes. As of this moment, Vin Diesel has 28,209,491 Facebook fans. Now we like The Fast and the Furious, Riddick, and xXx as much as anyone, but over 28 million fans for Vin Diesel? WTF?! He actually has more Facebook fans than some guy called Barack Obama, who hasn’t yet cracked 24 million.

And how does Obama have so many fans anyway? Sure some fat cat bankers from Wall Street that he gave bailouts to might like him, as would his wealthy pals at places like Solyndra that were given billions in taxpayer money as part of the “stimulus,” but what has he done for the Average Joe? Did he ever give you a chance to win some awesome Video Glasses? I don’t think so.

With this flawless logic, it is clear that GeekAlerts.com should have more fans than any of these people. You can help get us there by liking us yourself and then getting 10 friends to like us. If each of them in turn get 10 more friends each to like us, and so on, by my math we will have trillions of fans within a week. And even if you don’t like us you can still “like” us on Facebook. We won’t tell anyone.

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