1980s Hits Children’s Parodies CDs

Whenever I’d play my music out loud, my mom or dad would pipe up, “This is what you call music these days? It sounds like rubbish!” (Okay, so they don’t really use the word “rubbish,” but a synonym that’s a bit more unpleasant.) I have a feeling the next generation will feel that way too, especially about music from way in the past, like in the eighties (an era which I’m a fan of.) To that end, I think the 1980s Hits Children’s Parodies CDs is a fun way to try and ease them into listening to these old tunes, even though the lyrics are a little bit butchered.

The 1980s Hits Children’s Parodies CDs contain tracks of re-made classics, with tunes that parents will instantly recognize and lyrics that they will probably frown at (or fail to understand.) Regardless, it’s a way to let your kids listen to tunes and beats, albeit with some pretty funny and funky lyrics.

1980s Hits Children’s Parodies CDs

These are the CDs with playful parodies like Don’t Worry, Take a Nappy, Kids Just Wanna Have Fun, and other spoofs of classic songs from the 1980s. The two-CD collection has 25 songs, each one with melodies that parents will recognize and lyrics to which children can relate.

Sweet Clementines, a parody of Neil Diamond’s Sweet Caroline, will encourage kids to sing “Not from cans, tasty fruit/Good for me, good for you/Sweet Clementines” and Mommy (12345-6789) is a satirical rendition of 867-5309/Jenny that explains “Mommy I know my numbers/Now I can count to nine/Mommy I’ll sing my numbers 12345-6789.”

The 1980s Hits Children’s Parodies CDs is available from Hammacher Schlemmer for $39.95.

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