100 Wacky Things

It’s not often that you can find everything that you’d ever need to have a grand old afternoon as you would in 100 Wacky Things. Packed inside are fun props and cool novelty items alongside cards that instruct you to do something funny or weird or insanely gross.

100 Wacky Things would be a great thing to have along at family parties and outings to bond and break the ice. When the event is being held outdoors, considering bringing along the Limbo Set and Rounders Set for even more friendly fun.

100 Wacky Things

In 100 Wacky Things, players will do some ridiculous things while laughing uncontrollably at each other. The game has two types of cards always and whenever. If you draw an always card, you will do the wacky thing on your card every time it’s your turn. A Whenever Card directs you to do what the card says whenever another player does something specific. And, did we mention the silly props? Who can resist acting goofy while wearing an elephant nose, feathered boa, funny glasses or singing into an echo microphone? One wacky thing definitely leads to another in this zany game of craziness.

100 Wacky Things is available online from Amazon for $21.76.

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