Chick-a-Dee Smoke Sensor

Chick-a-Dee Smoke Detector

Most of the smoke detectors installed in offices and malls and other establishments mostly look the same: round, with some slots, but mostly ominous looking. They’re also mostly simplistic and minimalist, but if you’re looking for something different (and something definitely livelier), then you might […]

Smoke Alarm Clock

Smoke Alarm Clock

Alarm clocks probably aren’t selling like they used to back in the day. After all, there’s already an alarm functionality on most mobile phones, so why buy a separate alarm clock, right? Well, the people behind the Smoke Alarm Clock have already gone through that […]

FireText Smoke Alarm

FireText Smoke Alarm

Smoke alarms save lives so we are glad to have them, but on the other hand you might not think they do much good when you are away from home. Well, the FireText Smoke Alarm can help even when a fire starts and you aren’t […]